Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Schwerer Kampf

Hard fight, indeed, but not only between the president and his personal enemies. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published an article signed by Karl-Peter Schwarz, "Die Kleptokraten putschen" ["The Putsch of the Cleptocrats"] [Awkwardly enough, the word "Putsch" comes from German, but is so well suited to Romanian political scene - and history, too - that one would think the Germans have stolen it from us!] Anyway, the author made a couple of very insightful observations on Romanian politics, and on the recent events. The language may be a little strong, but remains softly compared with the harshness of Romanian editorialists. The only problems seems to be that of the target [or at least the target most people think of - the opposing group of 322].

A couple of Romanian newspapers have taken excerpts from the article, and published the translation in their electronic editions. Of course, the most important one, the one comprising the sour conclusion of the author, was omitted. Readers' comments were, as usual, split; one may remember the issue of making propaganda in the newspapers' forums, thrown in the media as being liberals' operation. Well, the social-democrats and others aren't absolved neither, even if the media stood still after a couple of articles. Actually, it is hard to believe that more than a dozen of percents of the posts on Romanian newspapers' forums come from the honest readers. Mostly there are curses and filthy accusation thrown at "the enemy."

But the beauty comes only now. They've made it! They subscribed to FAZ, and now the fight goes ahead. In German, this time. Playing as German readers, or emigrated Romanians, some of them started their dirty job there. With the same old accusation from home. Isn't funny?