Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Ramshackle Country

One month before the elections for the European Parliament, and all the media discourse targets the conflict between the toughest men of the country (one weaker than another) and the parliamentary games for keeping the Govern alive. The newest sidewalks look worse than the oldest ones in many countries of Europe. The Govern pays about 1,000 euro for each ramshackle automobile switched with a new one (being it Audi or Mercedes). The citizens make barbecues parties, even in graveyards, leaving behind seas of waste. The cigarettes, the energy, the railways tickets, and just about any little thing you buy often have new prices, higher than the old ones. The inflation is going down. The US dollar does the same (which means that in US dollars prices are much higher, every day). We cannot go in Sweden without a passport. The red on the traffic-lights is green for everyone (driver or pedestrian) who wants that. For a little holiday everyone recommends you the Bulgarian seashore. Cheers!

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